»Whom we need most in life,
is someone who makes us do what we are capable of. "

The quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson accurately describes our performance for design applicants. Motivation and support, preliminary studies and portfolio creation lead to success.


93 %

Success rate *

(* We rate it as a success
only those achieved
Study places.)



Study places achieved

(since 2006)



Study places 2023

at 15 universities


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talentstudio 2024, all rights reserved;  We offer a preparatory course with portfolio course for the following design and art courses:  
 Product design / industrial design / architecture / interior design / interior design / communication design / illustration / visual communication / fashion design / textile design / accessory design / media design / time-based media / interaction design, interactive media / intermedial design / jewelry design / transportation design exterior / transportation design interior / game design / Stage and costume design / Art teaching / Free art 
Our courses are used to prepare for exams for bachelor's and master's degrees.
We also offer computer courses in software such as: Adobe Indesign, Photoshop and Illustrator.