Stage and costume

The stage and costume design course covers the areas of spoken theater, opera and film.

The students begin their studies in a class for general artistic education, in which they have the opportunity to use the diverse range of courses offered by the academies with students from other disciplines. After completing the two-semester undergraduate studies, they switch to the specialist class for stage and costume design. In the main course, rooms on different topics are developed in semester projects. The scenic realization of pieces is of great importance. In addition to this practical work, there are courses on the theory and history of theater, applied theater and art history, costume history and style, dramaturgy seminars and courses in technical drawing, theater law, etc.

The fields of work of stage and costume designers are diverse and range from freelance work on international stages such as opera and theaters to employment at these houses and involvement in television and film productions. 

Universities, art academies:

AdbK Stuttgart, HfG Offenbach, UdK Berlin, Dresden Art Academy, Art Academy Berlin Weißensee, HfBK Dresden
Mozarteum University, Salzburg

These working examples were created by the following participants:

Helene Scheithe, Céline Kirsch, Celine Suter, Helene Weber, Hanna Bantle

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