Artistic teaching / fine arts / art therapy

In contrast to our other courses for design courses, the location for the portfolio course Artistic Teaching / Fine Art / Art Therapy is from our partner school Creative top carried out in order to be able to deal with, for example, oil and acrylic paints, experimental and conceptual techniques or installations

Art teacher training / fine art / art therapy - intensive course with an individual concept

The portfolio requirements for art courses differ significantly from those for design courses and therefore require a completely different course concept. 
To make a good art portfolio, you need a personal artistic approach. We develop it together with you in the creative circle. First we find out what interests you in terms of design. We optimize your manual skills and try out different techniques. Then we will introduce you to an independent artistic way of working. The aim is to reformulate ideas into tasks and to find an independent form of artistic implementation. Because that is what we are looking for in a portfolio for fine art, art teaching and also art therapy: personal interest and independent work! In the artistic works, content and interests should be expressed authentically. In order to achieve this authenticity, it is first necessary to find out what touches, repulses, arouses curiosity, makes people sit up and takes notice or interests them, both in the craft and in the content.

We also deal with a wide variety of drawing techniques, do letterpress, etching, collage, illustration, color theory, life drawing, we paint with oil and acrylic paints, we deal with installation, photography, object drawing, animal studies, perspectives, composition, image finding, urban sketching, etc. We will visit exhibitions and selected lectures, which should clarify our own artistic position based on the discussion. Being out and about in the city and drawing and taking photos in interesting places is an important part of our course concept. We also deal theoretically and practically with artistic forms of representation such as performance, video art and conceptual art. Because for us it is important that an artistic idea is reinforced with the choice of the medium to be represented. In the case of a half-day course (course A), we recommend a course duration of at least 5 months, since if you want to study art teaching, fine art and art therapy, you usually need a longer creative development than other creative courses. Please plan a time buffer in advance! A shorter course duration is possible depending on previous knowledge and consultation with us. The course can start every Monday.

Degree course in artistic teaching

With the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), student teachers start their training to become a grammar school teacher in the field of fine arts (PH: elementary, secondary and secondary school teaching). With this degree, which focuses heavily on the subject-specific content, there is the option of completing a Master of Education (M.Ed.) and thus gaining access to legal clerkship. In addition to the first major in visual arts, a second major is connected with the teacher training course, which is usually offered by a partner university (with the exception of PH and some universities). The course of study can be different in the federal states.

The courses offered at art academies are closely linked to the fine arts course. In addition to a basic artistic education in the basic classes, students of the artistic teaching profession also benefit from the free work in the specialist classes and the extraordinary range of uses of the numerous workshops at the art academies.

The career opportunities for art teachers at high schools are excellent, by the way, as there are only a few art academy graduates compared to university graduates.

Fine art course

Anyone who wants to study fine arts needs ideas and an authentic visual language. You learn the necessary craft and various display techniques during your studies.

Numerous theoretical, technical and artistic design principles are conveyed here. The practical courses are complemented by lectures and seminars on art history and art studies, aesthetics teaching and philosophy (in the art teaching degree course, additional educational sciences and subject didactics). Most of the course, however, is devoted to your own artistic work in the studio.

As an artist you always work independently, you have to find an independent form of artistic implementation and develop the ability to reflect on your own artistic position. It is an interplay of intellectual and practical work.

Art therapy course

If the visual arts want to depict and present something, then therapy wants the opposite. Art therapy wants to help people; it's about the creative process, not the artistic product. Patients come to therapy with entrenched patterns of thinking, feeling, and behavior. As a therapist you put your work entirely at the service of the patient, you give help, set processes in motion and support people with the means of art. In everyday student life you deal with psychology, medicine, self-awareness and your own artistic work. The aim of the course is to become a therapeutic personality.

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